The brand new Census data has just been released and it is fascinating!
Colorado’s population now sits just below 6 million people at 5.773 million. Just 20 years ago it was 4.301 million.
Northern Colorado is booming and now has 688,047 in Larimer and Weld Counties. It grew by 135,592 people in just ten years. If Northern Colorado grows at just 2% per year, it will have 838,725 people by 2030 and 1,022,402 by 2040.
For several years we have been predicting that Northern Colorado would exceed by 1 million people by 2040 and it looks like that will come true.
Metro Denver is also booming. For reference, we define ‘Metro Denver’ as Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties.
Population in Metro Denver is now 2.831 million and was 2.109 million in the year 2000. It has grown by 722,000 people in 20 years.
If Metro Denver grows at 2% per year, it will hit 3.451 million in 10 years and 4.206 million in 20 years.